Everything you need to know about virtual teaching

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Virtual teaching is a way for educators to reach beyond the four walls of a classroom and shape the hearts and minds of students anywhere. It’s part of the ever-growing phenomenon of virtual instruction that has become a preferred method of learning for many families.

This paradigm shift to online learning meant teachers needed to adapt to new methods and technologies in order to keep students engaged and be as effective online as they were during in-person instruction.

If you’re new to virtual teaching or looking to enhance your skills, you’ve come to the right place. This post will provide you with everything you need to know about being a virtual teacher, helping you to feel more comfortable and confident in an online environment.

The future of education: Virtual classrooms

Faculty teaching virtually

The school classroom used to be dictated by geography, meaning students attended schools within their local communities. And class sizes were limited by the space available. But those days are passing, now that advancements in technology and enhanced digital tools broaden the definition of the classroom. A virtual school experience and a virtual education are becoming more and more common.

Today’s students are no longer bound by geography, which also means the teacher is no longer limited to just instructing those zoned for their local school. At the same time, both teacher and student can travel and stay connected wherever there’s an internet connection. Teachers also have the flexibility to work part-time or full-time. This goes for elementary school, middle school, and high school teachers.

This new virtual classroom also expands the learning experience to more focused coursework instruction on topics of specialization for the teacher and the student. This personalized approach leads to a more fulfilling teacher experience and it also expands the horizons of students looking for instruction from subject matter experts.

Transforming your online teaching approach

Faculty working virtually

Virtual teaching requires a thoughtful approach to integrating technology, engaging students, and modifying traditional teaching practices to fit an online format. By considering these key points, educators can thrive in the virtual classroom and students will benefit as well.

Some factors to consider when preparing your remote learning setting are:

  • Thorough preparation: Virtual teaching demands significant preparation to adapt lesson plans and materials for online platforms. This may come easier to new teachers without a long history of classroom-only instruction.
  • Understanding the technology: Proficiency with digital tools and platforms is crucial for delivering content effectively. This will also help teachers select the tools that will help them best deliver their message.
  • Adapting teaching methods: Traditional classroom strategies need adjustments to fit the virtual environment. It may take a bit more time for some teachers to adapt so seeing guidance from fellow teachers more adept in technology will be helpful.
  • Accounting for longer task completion time: Be mindful that tasks may take longer to complete in a virtual classroom setup, at least initially until a teacher has a full grasp of the technology.

Enhancing student engagement in online classes

Faculty working virtually

Fostering engagement among virtual learners is critical to the success of any online learning environment. By implementing these strategies, educators can create a more engaging and effective virtual learning environment that motivates students to participate actively and fosters a deeper connection to the material and their peers.

Empowering student voice and choice

Give students options for how they want to complete assignments or participate in discussions. This could include offering different types of assignments, such as written essays, multimedia projects, or virtual presentations.

Additionally, provide opportunities for students to share their thoughts and opinions through online platforms. This could be through discussion forums or video conferencing tools, so they can foster a sense of ownership and agency in their learning. It is also important to actively listen and respond to student input, allowing them to have a say in the direction of the class. By incorporating these elements into an online learning environment, students can feel more empowered and invested in their education.

Encouraging accountability and participation

Encouraging accountability and participation in an online setting can be achieved through clear communication and setting expectations. This can include clearly defining roles and responsibilities, providing a platform for open and honest communication, and regularly checking in with team members.

It is also important to create a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Acknowledging and recognizing contributions from each individual can also increase motivation and drive accountability. Regularly reviewing progress as a team can also promote ownership of tasks and ensure that everyone is staying on track. Ultimately, creating a sense of ownership and responsibility within the team will lead to increased participation and overall success in an online setting.

Building a strong online community

Building an online community for students is an essential aspect of virtual learning for teachers. To foster a sense of connection and belonging, it is crucial for teachers to create a safe and welcoming environment where students can interact with each other. One way to achieve this is by utilizing various technological tools such as discussion forums, virtual classrooms, and social media platforms.

Teachers should also encourage active participation in group activities, promote open communication, and provide opportunities for collaboration among students. By creating a sense of community in the virtual classroom, teachers can facilitate a positive learning experience for their students while also promoting meaningful relationships and mutual support within the class.

Designing opportunities for student-to-student connections

In the age of online education, it is important for teachers to prioritize fostering student connections. This can be achieved in a number of ways. First and foremost, teachers should make an effort to create a welcoming and inclusive online classroom environment where students feel comfortable participating and engaging with one another.

Incorporating group activities or discussions into lessons can help students build relationships with their peers. Teachers can also encourage communication outside of class through the use of online discussion forums or social media platforms. By actively promoting collaboration and communication among students, teachers can help foster strong connections within their online classrooms.

Effective strategies for virtual classroom success

Faculty working virtually

1. Establish clear communication

Make your virtual presence felt by frequently interacting with students through comments, feedback, and live sessions. Try hosting weekly “office hours” using video conferencing tools where students can drop in to discuss issues or ask questions.

2. Promote active learning

Encourage students to apply concepts in real-world scenarios through project-based assignments to foster learning. For example, assign students to create digital portfolios on a topic of interest that includes research, a presentation, and a reflective piece.

3. Utilize breakout rooms for small group interaction

Some students will be more comfortable with fewer classmates so break larger classes into smaller groups using breakout rooms for discussions or project work. During a live class session, you can use breakout rooms for peer review sessions where students give feedback on each other’s assignments.

4. Incorporate multimedia resources

Take advantage of a variety of multimedia resources like videos, podcasts, and interactive quizzes to cater to different learning styles. For example, you can integrate short instructional videos followed by quizzes on platforms like Kahoot! or Quizizz to reinforce learning.

5. Foster community through collaborative tools

Leverage collaborative tools such as Google Docs or Padlet to encourage students to work together synchronously or asynchronously. Create a collaborative class wiki on Google Docs where each student contributes content based on their research on a shared topic.

6. Provide timely and constructive feedback

Offer personalized feedback on assignments and quizzes to help students understand their progress and areas for improvement. Try using the comment features within your learning management system (LMS) to give specific feedback on each student’s submission.

7. Design your lessons in digestible segments

Shorter time spans require lessons to be made into shorter, manageable segments to improve comprehension and retention. For example, you can break down a 60-minute lecture into four 15-minute segments, each followed by an interactive activity or discussion prompt to consolidate learning.

8. Ensure accessibility for all students

Technology can be used to adapt lessons for students with different learning challenges so make sure all materials and resources are accessible to students with varying needs, including closed captions for videos and screen-reader-friendly texts. Try using tools like Amara for video captioning and ensure all PDFs are OCR-processed to be accessible to screen readers.


Virtual teaching may seem like a daunting task at first but, just like using social media, it can become second nature with a little bit of guidance and some experience. There are many tools to help educators make the transition to a virtual environment. Teachers will find the benefits are just as rewarding when they can meet students in an environment where they are most comfortable and help them learn something new.

Helping K–12 teachers master the art of virtual teaching

Interested in harnessing the power of virtual learning environments? ASU Prep Global provides professional development opportunities designed to elevate teacher’s skills and knowledge to new heights.

Explore flexible online courses or in-person sessions, like “Thriving as a Digital Teacher,” where participants learn to translate teaching experience to an online environment, digging deeper into best practices of synchronous and asynchronous instruction.

Whether you need upskilling on emerging technology, digital tools, virtual teaching strategies, and more, we can customize delivery based on your school or district’s needs.

ASU Prep Global partners with other K–12 schools to build new models of educational success, embed early college experiences and provide access to the latest innovative technologies, digital courseware, and professional development. We’re more than a curriculum provider—we’re an innovation partner to top schools and school districts.

We help our partners create high-impact, high-quality digital education that meets the unique needs of their learners and staff. We’re passionate about partnering with school leaders to help innovate learning for K–12 students and educators through Arizona State University led research, proven effective learning practices, and industry-leading online education technology.

Everything you need to know about virtual teaching FAQs

How can I ensure students stay engaged in a virtual classroom?

Here are a few ideas for engaging students in a virtual classroom:

  • Utilize interactive tools and activities.
  • Encourage student collaboration with breakout rooms or group projects.
  • Provide opportunities for student choice by giving options for assignments or projects.
  • Use multimedia resources like videos, images, and other multimedia resources.
  • Check in regularly with students during class time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital learning?


  • Flexibility
  • Enhanced technology skills
  • Increased accessibility
  • Cost-effective


  • Technical difficulties
  • Lack of face-to-face interaction
  • Self-motivation required

What are the best practices for setting up a virtual classroom?

  1. Establish clear expectations and guidelines: This will help students understand what is expected of them in the virtual learning environment.
  2. Choose a reliable platform: There are many platforms available for virtual classrooms such as Zoom, Google Classroom, or Microsoft Teams.
  3. Utilize interactive tools: Some examples include polls, quizzes, and virtual whiteboards.
  4. Encourage communication and collaboration: It can be easy for students to feel isolated and disconnected from their peers, so it’s important to encourage communication and collaboration.
  5. Provide regular feedback: Just like in a traditional classroom, providing timely feedback is crucial for student growth and success.
  6. Incorporate multimedia elements: Incorporating videos, images, and audio clips can make the learning experience more engaging and interactive.