The ultimate guide to being a successful online teacher

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The landscape of education is rapidly evolving, with online learning becoming an integral part of modern education. According to recent studies, online learning is poised to grow by more than 200% between 2020 and 2025, highlighting the growing importance of virtual classrooms. However, teaching online presents unique challenges and opportunities. To excel in this environment, educators need to adopt best practices to ensure success.

How to excel as an online teacher

Faculty working from home

1. Embrace technology

To be a successful online teacher, it’s crucial to master the technology that drives virtual learning. This includes understanding essential online tools, platforms, and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Here’s how you can integrate technology effectively:

  • Explore various tools: Familiarize yourself with a range of digital tools such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and Canvas.
  • Make lessons interactive: To increase engagement and promote successful learning outcomes, try incorporating interactive quizzes, virtual labs, and discussion forums.
  • Explore teaching tech tools: Add some fun into your virtual lessons or online course with some tech tools created just for education. Try Flipgrid for video discussions, Kahoot! for interactive quizzes, and Padlet for collaborative projects.

Check out 10 Digital Teaching Tools To Revolutionize Your Online Class and 12 Ways To Use Technology In The Classroom for more tech-related teaching strategies for online instruction.

2. Master time management and organization

Faculty working virtually

Effective time management and organization are key to managing online teaching responsibilities. Here are a few strategies to employ:

  • Develop a routine: Create a structured schedule that includes time for lesson planning, grading, and student interactions.
  • Use digital tools: Leverage tools like Trello for task management, Google Calendar for scheduling, and Evernote for note-taking.

Check out our 10 Ways To Master Time Management For Online Teaching blog for even more tips.

3. Explore innovative and engaging teaching methods

Faculty working virtually

Innovative and engaging teaching methods can make your lessons more effective and even fun! Here are a few ideas to try:

  • Creative lesson plans: Design lessons and course content that foster creativity and critical thinking.
  • Interactive elements: Incorporate group work and interactive activities to foster student progress and keep students engaged.
  • Multimedia and visual aids: Use videos, infographics, and presentations to cater to visual learners.

For additional ideas, read our 15 Ways To Keep Students Engaged In Online Schooling.

4. Utilize effective communication

Faculty working virtually

Building a trusting and inclusive online community is essential. Here’s how to maintain effective communication in asynchronous and online learning environments:

  • Open communication lines: Regular updates, feedback sessions, online discussions, and virtual office hours can help.
  • Assess student performance: Use various methods to gauge student understanding and offer constructive feedback.
  • Seek feedback: Encourage students and parents to share their thoughts to improve the learning experience.

5. Cultivate a supportive classroom environment

Faculty working virtually

Creating a nurturing online educational space is vital. Focus on:

  • Clear expectations: Provide clear guidelines and expectations on achieving student success.
  • Building relationships: Check in with students often to foster connections through collaborative projects and discussions.
  • Adapting teaching styles: Cater to diverse learning needs by adjusting your teaching style.

Learn more from our guides on How To Build A Great Virtual Learning Environment For Kids and How To Help Online Students With Different Learning Styles.

6. Continuous professional development

Faculty working virtually

Lifelong learning and self-improvement are crucial for online teachers. Here’s how to stay ahead:

  • Focus on professional growth: Engage in continuous education and professional development programs from trusted experts like ASU Prep Global.
  • Build subject matter expertise: Enhance your knowledge in your subject area through reading and research, by attending conferences, and participating in workshops with experts in your subject area.
  • Join professional organizations: These organizations may offer various resources such as webinars, online courses, publications, and networking opportunities, keeping teachers up to date on the latest teaching practices and research in their field.


Being a successful online teacher requires adapting to new technologies, innovative teaching methods, effective communication, and continuous professional development. By following these strategies, you can create a dynamic and engaging online environment for your students.

Empower K–12 teachers to succeed and thrive in online classroom environments

Supporting K–12 online teachers requires a holistic approach to integrating virtual learning effectively and seamlessly. ASU Prep Global specializes in offering comprehensive support services designed specifically for the unique challenges and opportunities of online education.

Our aim is to alleviate the complexities of digital learning, providing everything from K–12 digital course licensing to full learning management systems equipped with teacher training, technical support, digital tools, and more, all tailored to meet the specific online educational needs of your school or district.

In collaboration with K-12 schools, ASU Prep Global is at the forefront of developing innovative educational models that not only introduce early college experiences but also ensure access to cutting-edge technologies, digital coursework, and professional development opportunities. But our role extends beyond being just a curriculum provider; we see ourselves as a partner in innovation for leading schools and districts, working together to redefine educational success.

We help our partners create high-impact, high-quality digital education that meets the unique needs of their learners and staff. We’re passionate about partnering with school leaders to help innovate learning for K–12 students and educators through Arizona State University-led research, proven effective learning practices, and industry-leading online education technology.

The ultimate guide to being a successful online teacher FAQs

How to be a good online teacher?

Some of the most important tips for being a good online teacher include learning from and collaborating with peers when it comes to best practices for virtual teaching integration, staying abreast of the latest technology, supporting and encouraging your students, and keeping the lines of communication open with students and families.

What strategies engage online learners?

This is where the use of the latest technology can be most effective. Whether it’s interactive quizzes, online videos, or virtual hang outs, it’s critical to find ways to engage students online. This embrace of technology will go a long way toward transitioning away from the face-to-face learning experience of a physical classroom and fostering a supportive and successful online learning environment.

How do I communicate with online learners?

There are many ways for teachers to communicate with online learners. The easiest way is through text message or email. Online chat and direct messages through social media are also effective, but it’s important for the teacher to set boundaries for responding so they do not find themselves responding to messages long after the work day should be over.

How do I build relationships in an online classroom environment?

Building relationships in an online classroom environment can be a challenge, but the use of video chat can bridge the gap. That will not only help with student-to-teacher engagement, but also student-to-student engagement. Having students pair up on projects and work together as teams can also foster engagement among your students.