College Credit

Santa Cruz

Build a college credit program at your school.

Prepare your students for college and careers by offering university courses in high school. ASU can help you easily build a custom program with various levels of student support, including a personal learning success coach for every student.

  • Replace AP with real university curriculum and credit.
  • Access advanced college-level material, STEM, etc.
  • Provide concurrent credit, better than dual-enrollment.
  • Credit is transferable to other colleges and universities.
  • All materials are included—no textbooks to buy.
University Girl

Option 1: ASU Universal Learner Courses

Power your college credit program with Universal Learner Courses, a selection of 20+ first-year university courses offered online and open to everyone. 

No risk – Pay at the end of the course, only if the student wants to accept the grade for credit.

Low cost – Enrollment fee of $25. If a student earns an A, B, or C and wants to convert to university credit upon completion the fee is $400.

Taught by ASU faculty – Credit received for the course is identical to credit received in an on-campus class.

Stress free – Courses are 100% online, open to anyone, no application required. 

You are in control – Partner schools can upload learners, verify enrollments and monitor progress with detailed grade reports.

University Boy

Option 2: ASU Online Courses

When students are ready to earn upper level credit toward their college major, we have over 200+ online courses available.

Choose a career pathway – Students are on accelerated path to a degree when they follow a career pathway.

Save time and money – Earning credit toward a major in high school reduces the time to degree.

Prep for success – Students are prepared for the rigor of becoming full-time, degree seeking college students.

Excel with support – Each student is assigned a Learning Success Coach to help them stay on track toward their goals.

ULC Flexible Facilitation Models

Your school can offer ULC courses in the model that works best for you and your students. All ULC courses are taught by ASU faculty and you can involve your teachers as much or as little as you like.

Individual Model

Student signs up and takes the course outside of school, on his or her own time and schedule. ASU provides faculty instruction and a Learning Success Coach for every student. The local school does not provide any resources.

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Supervised Model

Students work under the supervision of local teachers who provide support and office hours. ASU provides faculty instruction and a Learning Success Coach for every student. Students can work on their own time and schedule. This is a great option for schools with limited teacher resources.

Facilitated Model

A local teacher facilitates the course through scheduled class time and guides students through material. ASU trains learning facilitators and provides Learning Success Coach support for every student.

How do I learn more?

Our partnership team can help answer any questions and provide you with pricing and customized package information. Please contact the team member in your area.